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euro adhoc: AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG / quarterly or semiannual financial statement / AGRANA - Strong growth during the first half-year 2006|07

Geschrieben am 12-10-2006

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for the content of this announcement.


Revenues recorded by the AGRANA Group rose by 28% over the comparable
prior year figure of EUR 723.5 million to EUR 923.2 million for the
first half of the 2006|07 financial year. Income from operations
increased 24% to EUR 59.3 million during the same period (2005|06:
EUR 47.8 million). AGRANA continued the steady pursuit of its growth
course during the first half of 2006|07. This is reflected in the
initial consolidation of the former DSF and previous Atys Group, two
fruit companies that are now wholly owned by AGRANA. In addition,
advance exports of C sugar and the satisfactory development of the
Starch Segment and Fruit Segment provided support for the improvement
in revenues. Profit before tax for the first half-year equaled EUR
48.9 million, which represents a plus of 9% over the prior year
(first half-year 2005|06: EUR 44.8 million). Net profit for the
period reached EUR 33.4 million, but remained below the comparable
2005|06 figure of EUR 34.6 million because of an increase in the tax
rate from 23 to 32%. In spite of the decline in net profit, earnings
per share rose to EUR 2.23 (first half-year 2005|06: EUR 2.12) due to
a reduction in minority interests. Investments totaled EUR 50.5
million for the first half of 2006|07, compared to EUR 38.4 million
in the previous financial year, and reflected the continued growth of
the AGRANA Group.

AGRANA - Key Data according to IFRS (March 1 to August 31)

First Half-Year First Half-Year
in mEUR 2006|07 2005|06
Revenues 923.2 723.5
Income from operations 59.3 47.8
Profit before tax 48.9 44.8
Net profit for the period 33.4 34.6
Earnings per share 2.23 2.12
Investments in tangible assets 50.5 38.4
Employees 7,972 8,055

Net financial expense for the first half of 2006|07 totaled EUR 10.4
million compared to net financial expense of EUR 3.1 million in the
previous year as a result of recognized negative foreign exchange
differences and an increase in interest expense that was related to
acquisitions in the Fruit Segment.

Outlook AGRANA will continue to pursue its strategy and realize
sustainable organic growth. The projects in China, Brazil and
Bosnia-Herzegovina as well as the expansion of Hungrana and the
bioethanol plant in Austria will provide additional impulses for
growth over the coming years. Revenues are expected to rise by 20% to
EUR 1.8 billion for the full 2006|07 financial year. This forecast
also includes the adjustment of the business year in the Fruit
Segment from the calendar year to the AGRANA financial year (March 1
to February 28), which means the results of this segment for January
and February 2006 will also be included in the 2006|07 financial
year. The Fruit Segment will generate the largest share of revenues
and earnings during the current financial year. High organic growth
in the area of fruit preparations is expected for the full year. In
contrast to the first six months of 2006|07, the Sugar Segment is
expected to show weaker development during the second half of the
financial year. This development will be influenced by significantly
higher energy costs for the campaign, lower sales volumes of quota
sugar as a result of the flexible quota reduction, declining exports
and first payments to the EU Restructuring Fund. The development of
business in the Starch Segment during the next two quarters will
reflect the first half of the year.

This press release and the report on the first half-year 2006|07 are
available in German and English under www.agrana.com.

end of announcement euro adhoc 12.10.2006 07:25:00

ots Originaltext: AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:
AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG
Doris Schober
Investor Relations/Corporate Communications
Tel.: +43-1-211 37-12084

Branche: Food
ISIN: AT0000603709
WKN: 779535
Index: ATX Prime, WBI
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market


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